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Is your organisation GDPR compliant?

The GDPR or ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (Regulation 2016/679/EU) is a new single EU law dealing with data protection that is intended to do away with the fragmented system that was previously in place and update laws across the EU that have not kept up with the digital age we live in. On 25 May 2018, as in the case of other EU Member States, the GDPR took effect in Malta. The new Data Protection Act, 2018 (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta) has also come into effect. Data controllers and processors had until this date to prepare for the various new, and in some cases, onerous obligations introduced by the GDPR.

Maltese organisations (especially those processing large amounts of personal data) must take all necessary measures to ensure full compliance with this new law and this, as soon as possible.

Are you ready for DORA? Is it applicable to you?
Find out more on our dedicated DORA section by clicking here


GDPR at a glance

  • Fines up to €20,000,000 or 4% of an entity’s total worldwide annual turnover
  • Significantly expanded territorial scope
  • Mandatory data breach notification in certain cases
  • Mandatory appointment of a Data Protection Officer in certain cases
  • Data Processors now also directly responsible at law
  • More stringent consent requirements
  • Increased level of information to be provided to data subjects
  • More stringent requirements in controller-processor contracts
  • Removal of the general notification requirement
  • New data subject rights


How can we help?

Our Reputation

Mamo TCV Advocates is a leading Maltese law firm with years of experience in the field of privacy law and, in particular, data protection law. With clients ranging from world-famous multinational IT companies to individual data subjects we can provide your organisation practical advice regardless of the situation you are in.

GDPR Compliance

Over the past years we have carried out several GDPR audits and training sessions for our diverse portfolio of clients and we are now assisting clients with their various new obligations at law. From rules relating to direct marketing to data retention obligations, we have you covered.

What we Offer

  • Comprehensive expert legal advisory services
  • Data protection risk assessments
  • Training of DPOs and other staff members
  • Drafting of layered privacy policies & other notices
  • Drafting of data processing agreements & addenda
  • Full legal representation in contentious matters and/or IDPC investigations

Key Contacts

Claude Micallef Grimaud
Antoine Camilleri

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