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Artificial Intelligence
Navigating the Future of Employment: The EU AI Act’s Revolutionary Impact on the Working World Employment and Industrial Relations

Navigating the Future of Employment: The EU AI Act’s Revolutionary Impact on the Working World

This article is part of our EU AI Act series which explores the effect of the AI Act across various industries and sectors.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, garnering considerable hype and widespread discussion. As AI technologies continue to evolve, their integration into various industries has profound implications, particularly for the labour market. The use of AI in employment raises critical questions about the possibility of job displacement, changes in skill requirements and ethical issues regarding bias, discrimination and privacy. Furthermore, AI can contribute to the creation of new employment opportunities. In response, the European Union (EU) has introduced the AI…
Mamo TCV Advocates: Understanding the Health and Safety at Work
Understanding the Health and Safety at Work Act: Key Concepts and Recent Changes Employment and Industrial RelationsReal Estate & Construction

Understanding the Health and Safety at Work Act: Key Concepts and Recent Changes

On the 9th of August 2024, the Health and Safety at Work Act, Act XXXIII of 2024 (Chapter 646 of the Laws of Malta) (hereinafter referred to as the ”Act”) was published by Parliament. Upon coming into force, the Act shall repeal the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (“OHSA” or “Authority”) Act (Chapter 424 of the Laws of Malta) and its subsidiary legislation. The Act implements principles found in the Framework Directive (89/391/EEC) for health and safety at work, which principles are applicable across the European Union. Objectives and the Scope of the Act The primary objective of the Act…
Jeanine Mallia Schembri
23rd August 2024
Mamo TCV Advocates - The principle of equal pay for work of equal value to apply more extensively to workers of employment agencies
Extension of the Principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value Employment and Industrial Relations

Extension of the Principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

The current Temporary Agency Workers Regulations (S.L. 452.106) regulate temporary agency workers, transposing Directive 2008/104/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on temporary agency work into Maltese law. This legislation is meant to ensure equality of treatment between temporary agency workers and employees of the user undertaking (the entity for which the temporary agency workers would be providing their services). The present regulations make exceptions to the applicability of the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. To ensure better equality of treatment, a new legal notice 128 of 2024 entitled ‘Temporary Agency Workers Regulations, 2024’…
Mamo TCV Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Employer Liability Leads to Over €200,000 in Damages Employment and Industrial RelationsLitigation & Dispute Resolution

Employer Liability Leads to Over €200,000 in Damages

In a landmark judgment delivered on the 14th of March 2024 in the names Maria Matruscelli vs Palumbo Malta Shipyards Limited et (case numbered 518/19TA), the First Hall of the Civil Court awarded €208,871 in compensation to the plaintiff. The case revolved around the death of Aniello Fariello who lost his life on the 18th of January 2016 while performing his duties on board the vessel MV Galaxy, which vessel was docked at the shipyard belonging to Palumbo Shipyards Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Palumbo”). During the process of mooring the vessel, a reel through which one of the ropes…
Mamo TCV Advocates delivered a three-hour presentation yesterday, in collaboration with 21 Academy, on frequently asked questions in employment law.
Mamo TCV Advocates Delivers Training with 21 Academy Employment and Industrial RelationsNews

Mamo TCV Advocates Delivers Training with 21 Academy

Mamo TCV Advocates delivered a three-hour presentation yesterday, in collaboration with 21 Academy, on frequently asked questions in employment law. Dr Warren Ciantar delved into data-protection issues; Dr Julian Fenech Adami examined immigration related matters, whilst Dr Christine Calleja dealt with general employment law and occupational health and safety queries. Next seminar will be delivered on the 24th April 2024 and will deal with recent employment law related cases.
Mamo TCV Advocates
21st March 2024
Mamo TCV - Legal Article
Industrial Tribunal Delivers an Award on a Dismissal of a Worker During his Notice Period Employment and Industrial Relations

Industrial Tribunal Delivers an Award on a Dismissal of a Worker During his Notice Period

In the Industrial Tribunal case with number 4196/HW, the applicant claimed that he had been unfairly dismissed from his position with the respondent employer in the aftermath of his resignation, whilst he was working his notice period, and that he was owed a sum of money from commissions and unutilised leave. Firstly, the applicant argued that he had resigned from the workplace and was then dismissed by the employer during his notice period, and therefore the Industrial Tribunal should thus vary the reason for termination from a dismissal to a resignation. Following the plea raised by the defendant company, that…
Jake Buttigieg
6th March 2024