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Mamo TCV Advocates participated in the Start Up Festival Malta organised by StartinMalta on the 13 & 14 October 2022.
Mamo TCV Advocates Participated in the Start Up Festival Malta News

Mamo TCV Advocates Participated in the Start Up Festival Malta

Mamo TCV Advocates participated in the Start Up Festival Malta organised by StartinMalta on the 13 & 14 October 2022. The festival served as an opportunity for us to learn more about the start-up scene in Malta and how we can add value to it through our legal, corporate and regulatory advisory services. During the festival, the firm met with a number of start-ups and discussed the Mamo TCV Start-Up Toolkit which was launched during the same week. Through the Toolkit, we aim to lower the barriers to entry for start-ups by providing key documentation required at company formation stage…
Mamo TCV Advocates
31st October 2022
EU Legislation
Deadline for Third Country Personal Data Transfers: EU Standard Contractual Clauses Data Protection and PrivacyLegal Updates

Deadline for Third Country Personal Data Transfers: EU Standard Contractual Clauses

On 27th June 2021, the European Commission unveiled the new set of EU Standard Contractual Causes (‘SCCs’) that are to be used in instances when personal data are to be transferred from the EU/EEA to a third country. These new SCCs replaced an older version and are now required in those instances where the old SCCs were being relied on, as opposed to other derogations that may be applicable, for any contract involving transfers of personal data to third countries, signed after the 27th September 2021. Meanwhile a transitory ‘grace’ period was granted to any contracts which already incorporated the…
Mamo TCV Advocates
31st October 2022
Mamo TCV Supports Pink October
Mamo TCV Supports Pink October News

Mamo TCV Supports Pink October

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The firm held an event last week at its offices with staff in order to raise awareness about breast cancer and to raise funds for the cause. The firm is once again making a contribution to the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation. Feel free to join the campaign and support the cause. More information can be found here:
Mamo TCV Advocates
29th October 2022
Mamo TCV Advocates is organising Continuous Professional Training focusing on different facets of insurance law and regulation of the insurance market.
Insurance CPD Training – November / December 2022 News

Insurance CPD Training – November / December 2022

Mamo TCV Advocates is organising Continuous Professional Training focusing on different facets of insurance law and regulation of the insurance market. This training course offers attendees the possibility to select any number of sessions from the schedule. A total of seven (7) sessions are scheduled and all sessions will be held online, not exceeding two (2) hours in duration. This CPD training course also qualifies as a Structured CPD Training in terms of Chapter 7 within Part B of the Insurance Distribution Rules issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority. For any further queries and to register for these sessions,…
Mamo TCV Advocates
28th October 2022
New Insolvency Bills Proposed in Parliament
New Insolvency Bills Proposed in Parliament Corporate and M&ALegal Updates

New Insolvency Bills Proposed in Parliament

Three bills are being read in Parliament proposing new insolvency-related legislation and amendments: The Pre-Insolvency Bill; The Insolvency Practitioners Bill; and The Commercial Code (Amendment) Bill. The Pre-Insolvency Bill is being proposed to partially transpose EU Directive 2019/1023 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt, which amends Directive 2017/1132. This proposed legislation provides for an updated legal framework in which emphasis is placed on early warning signs of insolvency and restructuring procedures directed at avoiding insolvency, as opposed to legislation regulating…
Mamo TCV Advocates
25th October 2022
Regulatory Compliance Quarterly Update | Q3 2022 Banking & FinanceInsurance & ReinsuranceInvestment Services & FundsNews and PublicationsRegulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance Quarterly Update | Q3 2022

We are pleased to issue our second edition of the Regulatory Compliance Quarterly Updates. These updates are intended to keep Maltese regulated entities informed of regulatory changes and developments taking place in the local financial services space. In this issue, we focus on the sector specific and cross-sectoral regulatory updates relating to Investment Services and Asset Management; Credit and Financial Institutions and Insurance Undertakings and Insurance Intermediaries. Our second Regulatory Compliance Quarterly Update can be found hereThe Regulatory Compliance Quarterly Update does not purport to give legal, regulatory,financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or assistance, please do…
Mamo TCV Advocates
24th October 2022