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Mamo TCV Advocates - The principle of equal pay for work of equal value to apply more extensively to workers of employment agencies
Extension of the Principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value Employment and Industrial Relations

Extension of the Principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

The current Temporary Agency Workers Regulations (S.L. 452.106) regulate temporary agency workers, transposing Directive 2008/104/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on temporary agency work into Maltese law. This legislation is meant to ensure equality of treatment between temporary agency workers and employees of the user undertaking (the entity for which the temporary agency workers would be providing their services). The present regulations make exceptions to the applicability of the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. To ensure better equality of treatment, a new legal notice 128 of 2024 entitled ‘Temporary Agency Workers Regulations, 2024’…
Mamo TCV - Legal Article
Industrial Tribunal Delivers an Award on a Dismissal of a Worker During his Notice Period Employment and Industrial Relations

Industrial Tribunal Delivers an Award on a Dismissal of a Worker During his Notice Period

In the Industrial Tribunal case with number 4196/HW, the applicant claimed that he had been unfairly dismissed from his position with the respondent employer in the aftermath of his resignation, whilst he was working his notice period, and that he was owed a sum of money from commissions and unutilised leave. Firstly, the applicant argued that he had resigned from the workplace and was then dismissed by the employer during his notice period, and therefore the Industrial Tribunal should thus vary the reason for termination from a dismissal to a resignation. Following the plea raised by the defendant company, that…
Jake Buttigieg
6th March 2024
Platform worker
New Legal Notice on Digital Platform Work Employment and Industrial RelationsLegal Updates

New Legal Notice on Digital Platform Work

The Covid-19 pandemic has played an important role in shaping labour markets by accelerating the growth of digital labour platforms which have in turn brought a number of challenges. These include issues in determining the correct employment status of workers performing platform work leading to inadequate access to basic labour and employment rights, lack of fairness, transparency and accountability in algorithmic management and, difficulties in enforcement and lack of traceability by the authorities. In Malta, these issues were being particularly felt within the sector of the delivery of consumer products. This prompted a national debate on the need to introduce…
Mamo TCV Advocates
24th October 2022
The Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Regulations came into force on the 21st October 2022
New Rules on the Information to be Provided to Employees Employment and Industrial RelationsLegal Updates

New Rules on the Information to be Provided to Employees

The Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Regulations came into force last Friday, the 21st October 2022, implementing the Transparent and Predictable Workings Conditions Directive (2019/1152). The Regulations lay down minimum requirements on the working conditions applicable to every worker in the European Union who has an employment contract or relationship. The Regulations set out a longer list of information to be provided to employees, building on the list which already existed under the Information to Employees Regulations. Specific information is to be provided to employees who are outworkers and employees who are required to work outside of Malta for a…
Mamo TCV Advocates
24th October 2022