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Employment Agencies Regulations Webinar

Are you a recruiter? Do you engage employees to temporarily send them to work at a user undertaking? Do you engage employees to provide contracting services to your clients? As from the 1st April of next year, the Employment Agencies Regulations will come into force, establishing a new regime for these operators, now termed as ‘employment agencies’. The Department of Employment and Industrial Relations will start accepting applications to issue licences as from the 1st January 2024. During this one-hour seminar, we will go through the various licencing requirements, including the requirement of providing a bank guarantee and of engaging…
Mamo TCV Advocates
29th November 2023
MFSA Issues Circular on Proposed Changes to the Companies Act (Cell Companies Carrying on Business of Insurance) Regulations
Employment and Industrial RelationsLitigation & Dispute Resolution

Court of Appeal Rejects Employee’s Claim for Unfair Dismissal

On the 15th of September 2023, the Court of Appeal (Inferior Jurisdiction) (Appeal Number: 155/2022 LM) reversed the Industrial Tribunal’s decision that had previously considered that the plaintiff had been unfairly dismissed from his employment with a bank. The Court was tasked with deciding on the employee’s allegations during proceedings which primarily related to claiming discriminatory treatment and unfair dismissal. The employee had embarked on a year-long career break during his employment with the bank after having first obtained permission from management in compliance with the Collective Agreement then in place. The bone of contention revolved around the way in…