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Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates Wins Mondaq Award

Mamo TCV has won the Top Communicator Award from Mondaq for the Most Popular Article in Malta for February 2018. The article that clinched the award, Malta: Proposed Regulatory Framework In Malta On Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology And Virtual Currencies, was written by Dr. Christina Scicluna.To read more about the award, please visit Mondaq's website. (Contributor With Most Popular Article In Malta).Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Antoine Camilleri or Dr. Christina Scicluna.
MamoTCV Advocates
13th March 2018
Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates Wins Mondaq Award

Mamo TCV has won the Top Communicator Award from Mondaq for the Most Popular Article in Malta for February 2018. The article that clinched the award, Malta: Proposed Regulatory Framework In Malta On Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology And Virtual Currencies, was written by Dr. Christina Scicluna.To read more about the award, please visit Mondaq's website. (Contributor With Most Popular Article In Malta).Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Antoine Camilleri or Dr. Christina Scicluna.
MamoTCV Advocates
13th March 2018
Shipping, Yachting and Transport

Amendments to the Guidelines regarding VAT treatment of Yacht Leasing

The Commissioner for Revenue has recently published an amended version of the Guidelines regarding the VAT treatment of Yacht Leasing in Malta. The most noticeable modification from the previous Guidelines relates to the determination of the use of the yacht within and outside EU territorial waters during the lease period. The previous Guidelines acknowledged the difficulty in trailing the movements of a pleasure yacht in order to determine the period the yacht spends within EU territorial waters, and therefore established the estimated percentage portion of the lease spent within EU territorial waters on the length of the yacht and means…
9th March 2018
Shipping, Yachting and Transport

Amendments to the Guidelines regarding VAT treatment of Yacht Leasing

The Commissioner for Revenue has recently published an amended version of the Guidelines regarding the VAT treatment of Yacht Leasing in Malta. The most noticeable modification from the previous Guidelines relates to the determination of the use of the yacht within and outside EU territorial waters during the lease period. The previous Guidelines acknowledged the difficulty in trailing the movements of a pleasure yacht in order to determine the period the yacht spends within EU territorial waters, and therefore established the estimated percentage portion of the lease spent within EU territorial waters on the length of the yacht and means…
9th March 2018
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Sub-Letting of Commercial Tenements After 31st May 2018 – Let it Be!

In terms of article 1531I of the Civil Code, as introduced by the amendments to the rent laws in 2009, a lease of commercial premises made before the 1st June 1995 shall terminate on 31st May 2028, unless a specific period has been stipulated in a contract and subject to the other specific provisions contained in this provision as may be applicable in a given case.In the case of sub-letting of commercial tenements made before the 1st June 1995, these shall terminate on 31st May 2018. This cut-off date does not apply if the sub-lease was made by agreement with…
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Sub-Letting of Commercial Tenements After 31st May 2018 – Let it Be!

In terms of article 1531I of the Civil Code, as introduced by the amendments to the rent laws in 2009, a lease of commercial premises made before the 1st June 1995 shall terminate on 31st May 2028, unless a specific period has been stipulated in a contract and subject to the other specific provisions contained in this provision as may be applicable in a given case.In the case of sub-letting of commercial tenements made before the 1st June 1995, these shall terminate on 31st May 2018. This cut-off date does not apply if the sub-lease was made by agreement with…