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Mamo TCV - Houses in Valletta
Real Estate & Construction

Temporary Emphyteutical Concessions of Government-Owned Commercial Property

A new set of regulations regulating the grant of a temporary emphyteutical concession to the emphyteuta, tenant or operator of Government-owned commercial property came into force on 4th June 2024 in virtue of Legal Notice 131 of 2024 (the “Regulations”). Eligibility Applications for the granting of a temporary emphyteutical concession of Government-owned commercial property (please refer to the First Schedule to the Regulations) are to be submitted to the Lands Authority (the “Authority”) by an applicant, being any natural or legal person, and having any of the following: (a) a valid emphyteutical concession recognised by the Authority; (b) a valid…
Dorita Cardona
13th June 2024
Trusts, Foundations and Wealth Management

Mandatory Enrolment or Listing of all Voluntary Organisations in Malta

This article was written by Dorita Cardona and Joshua ChircopRecent amendments to the Voluntary Organisations Act in Malta have introduced new provisions requiring foundations, trusts, associations and other organisations which qualify as Voluntary Organisations to mandatorily enrol or enlist as Voluntary Organisations with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.The Commissioner has announced that all Voluntary Organisations are required to bring themselves in line with the Act by the 30th June 2019.The Administrators of Voluntary Organisations who fail to enrol or enlist by the deadline shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not…
Dorita Cardona
22nd May 2019
Trusts, Foundations and Wealth Management

Re-Domiciliation of Foundations to Malta

​This article was written by Dr Dorita Cardona and Dr Joshua Chircop.​Maltese law allows for the continuation of foreign foundations and associations in Malta. This was introduced by the Voluntary Organisations (Amendment) Act, 2018, by virtue of Act No. XXXVI of 2018, which made a number of changes to the Second Schedule of the Civil Code, being the law that regulates organisations in Malta (the 'Second Schedule'). An organisation is defined as a universality of persons who associate, or a universality of things which are appropriated to achieve a lawful purpose having a form recognised by law, and which is…
Dorita Cardona
14th March 2019
Real Estate & Construction

Proposal to Reform the Rental Market

This article was written by Dorita Cardona and Joshua Chircop.The Parliamentary Secretariat for Social Accommodation has published a White Paper proposing the setting up of a new regulatory framework (the 'Regulatory Framework') to reform the residential rental market in Malta, referred to as the private rented sector (the 'PRS').RationaleThe White Paper proposes providing both Landlords and Tenants with greater stability, flexibility, security, transparency and predictability in the long-term. There is a clear emphasis on creating a balance between Landlords and Tenants. The White Paper seeks:1. to protect the fundamental rights of Landlords, especially their rights to property, to contractual freedom…
Dorita Cardona
17th October 2018
Real Estate & Construction

Proposal to Reform the Rental Market

This article was written by Dorita Cardona and Joshua Chircop.The Parliamentary Secretariat for Social Accommodation has published a White Paper proposing the setting up of a new regulatory framework (the 'Regulatory Framework') to reform the residential rental market in Malta, referred to as the private rented sector (the 'PRS').RationaleThe White Paper proposes providing both Landlords and Tenants with greater stability, flexibility, security, transparency and predictability in the long-term. There is a clear emphasis on creating a balance between Landlords and Tenants. The White Paper seeks:1. to protect the fundamental rights of Landlords, especially their rights to property, to contractual freedom…
Dorita Cardona
17th October 2018
Real Estate & Construction

Proposal to Establish New Building and Construction Regulator

This article was written by Dorita Cardona and Joshua ChircopThe Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects has published a White Paper proposing the setting up of a Building and Construction Regulator ("the Regulator"), as part of a reorganisation project of the building industry. The RegulatorIt is proposed that the Regulator will be responsible for harmonising and consolidating current work practices, standards, procedures, regulations and laws currently governing the industry under a single piece of legislation, which will consequently be brought before Parliament as a Bill. The Minister responsible for Infrastructure, under whose authority the Regulator shall lie, has appointed…
Dorita Cardona
1st October 2018