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Mamo TCV Advocates Wins Mondaq Award Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Mamo TCV Advocates Wins Mondaq Award

​Mamo TCV has won the Top Communicator Award from Mondaq for the Most Popular Article in Malta for January 2017. The article that clinched the award, Agreement Regarding The Distribution Of LPG In Malta Held To Be In Breach Of The Competition Rules, was written by Dr. Annalies Azzopardi and Dr. Richard Camilleri.To read more about the award, please visit Mondaq's website. (Contributor With Most Popular Article In Malta)
Richard Camilleri
17th February 2017
The Consequences of Federation of Estate Agents vs Director General (Competition) et Antitrust, Competition and Trade

The Consequences of Federation of Estate Agents vs Director General (Competition) et

This article was written by Dr Richard Camilleri and Dr Annalies Azzopardi.A number of press reports and articles have appeared recently in the Maltese media regarding the consequences of the Constitutional Court judgment in Federation of Estate Agents vs Director General (Competition) et (3 May 2016).This judgment held that certain provisions of the Competition Act breached the right to a fair hearing enshrined in the Constitution. You can read a summary of judgment in first instance here and a summary of the Constitutional Court judgment here.This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require…
Richard Camilleri
6th February 2017
Agreement Regarding the Distribution of LPG in Malta Held to be in Breach of the Competition Rules Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Agreement Regarding the Distribution of LPG in Malta Held to be in Breach of the Competition Rules

This article was written by Dr Richard Camilleri and Dr Annalies Azzopardi.In a decision in the names Uffiċċju għall-Kompetizzjoni Ġusta v Korporazzjoni Enemalta et handed down on 4 October 2016, the Competition and Consumer Appeals Tribunal ("the Tribunal") found that the various gas distributors, the GRTU, an association which represented the said distributors, and Enemalta plc, then Enemalta Corporation ("Enemalta") had breached the competition rules by dividing Malta and Gozo into various 'territories' for the purpose of distributing LPG in cylinders. These various undertakings and association of undertakings were therefore found to have breached Article 5(1) of the Competition Act…
Richard Camilleri
3rd January 2017
Constitutional Appeal on the Protection of Human Rights in Competition Proceedings. Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Constitutional Appeal on the Protection of Human Rights in Competition Proceedings.

This article was written by Dr Richard Camilleri and Dr Annalies Azzopardi.MAMO TCV OBTAINS FAVOURABLE DECISION FOR RESPONDENT IN CONSTITUTIONAL APPEAL REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN COMPETITION PROCEEDINGS In a judgment dated 3 May 2016, in the names Federation of Estate Agents v Director General (Competition) et (Constitutional application number 87/2013/2), the Constitutional Court confirmed that the competition procedures currently envisaged by the Competition Act (Cap. 379 of the laws of Malta) in the case of a breach of the competition rules violate the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Malta ("the Constitution") with regards to…
Richard Camilleri
5th May 2016
The Protection Of Human Rights In Competition Proceedings Antitrust, Competition and Trade

The Protection Of Human Rights In Competition Proceedings

This article was written by Dr Richard Camilleri and Dr Annalies Azzopardi.MAMO TCV REPRESENTS APPLICANT IN LANDMARK CONSTITUTIONAL CASE REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN COMPETITION PROCEEDINGSIn a judgment handed down on 21 April 2015 in the names Federation of Estate Agents vs Direttur Ġenerali (Kompetizzjoni) et (application number 87/2013), the First Hall, Civil Court in its constitutional jurisdiction held that the procedures currently envisaged by the Competition Act (Cap. 379 of the laws of Malta) in the case of a breach of the competition rules violate the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Malta ("the Constitution")…
Richard Camilleri
7th May 2015