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Senior Associate

Kirk Brincau

Kirk Brincau

Kirk Brincau is a Senior Associate within the Litigation and Dispute Resolution department of Mamo TCV Advocates. He joined the firm in 2018.

Kirk graduated from the University of Malta with a Doctor of Laws in 2016 and later obtained his warrant to practise law at the Courts of Justice in February 2017. Following the successful acquisition of his warrant Kirk began representing clients in inferior courts, boards and tribunals and later in the superior courts of Malta garnering a considerable degree of experience in wide ranging areas of law in the process.

Kirk’s main areas of practise are immigration, civil and commercial law with a particular focus on tort, contract, debt collection, employment, separation and divorce related proceedings. Moreover, Kirk also has a keen interest in all matters concerning Human Rights Law having provided counsel on related disputes and represented clients in domestic courts as well as the European Court of Human Rights.


  • Bachelor of Laws, University of Malta, 2013
  • Diploma of Notary Public, University of Malta, 2014
  • Doctor of Laws, University of Malta, 2016

Representative Experience

  • Advised and assisted various clients in litigation and alternative dispute resolution matters ranging from debt collection to eviction from property
  • Advised various companies and individuals in employment related matters
  • Counsel in Constitutional redress proceedings relating to Human Rights Law
  • Counsel to several expatriates wishing to establish their residence in Malta and/or obtain Maltese citizenship
  • Counsel to various asylum seekers seeking to obtain recognised international protection status


  • Admitted to the Maltese Bar, Superior Courts of Malta (2017)
  • Malta Chamber of Advocates

Get In Touch


MAMO TCV Advocates
Palazzo Pietro Stiges
103, Strait Street
Valletta, VLT 1436

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