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Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Landmark Decision on Jactitation Suits

Jactitation suits are a long established remedy found under Maltese procedural law intended to limit one's ability to indefinitely vaunt claims without basis. This type of suit allows any person, whether natural or legal, that has had any form of right vaunted against him in written form to request the court to order the third party claimant to either bring the claim in trial within a period not exceeding three months or be forever precluded from proceeding with such a claim in the future. The remedy is a relatively simple one and while rarely used, due to its practical implications…
Kirk Brincau
27th January 2022
Litigation & Dispute ResolutionNews

Mamo TCV Associate to Compete in the Prestigious René Cassin Concours

Dr Mark Soler, an associate at Mamo TCV and current student at the College of Europe in Bruges, will be taking part in next year's European human rights moot court competition in honour of the French jurist René Cassin. Cassin served as President of the European Court of Human Rights, as vice-president of the French Conseil d'Etat and member of the French Conseil constitutionnel. He also worked on the draft project of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in 1968 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights. An exclusively…
MamoTCV Advocates
23rd September 2021
Corporate and M&A

Brexit Blow: Setback for the UK in its Efforts to Join the Lugano Convention.

The European Commission ("Commission") representing the European Union ("EU") has presented the Swiss Federal Council in its capacity as the Depository of the 2007 Lugano Convention ("Convention") with a Note Verbale regarding the United Kingdom's application to accede to the Convention, submitted on 8 April, 2020. Accession to the Convention would only be possible if the United Kingdom ("UK") were to secure the approval of all existing Convention members, being the EU, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland. Iceland and Switzerland have already given their formal approval, with Norway also indicating it is in favour of UK membership. In a setback…
Simon Pullicino
3rd August 2021

Getting the Deal Through: Dispute Resolution 2018

Following last year's participation in the online issue of "Dispute Resolution", an annual comparative law guide published by Getting the Deal Through, Mamo TCV was invited to contribute the Malta chapter to both the printed and online 2018 editions of this publication.Getting the Deal Through was the first legal series to present the concept of a "question and answer format", a particularly convenient way to compare how different jurisdictions regulate the same practice area. The guides are particularly useful for law firms, universities, regulators, and corporate counsel as a reliable introduction to various subject matters. The series now covers 109…
Joseph Camilleri
2nd October 2018

Getting the Deal Through: Dispute Resolution 2018

Following last year's participation in the online issue of "Dispute Resolution", an annual comparative law guide published by Getting the Deal Through, Mamo TCV was invited to contribute the Malta chapter to both the printed and online 2018 editions of this publication.Getting the Deal Through was the first legal series to present the concept of a "question and answer format", a particularly convenient way to compare how different jurisdictions regulate the same practice area. The guides are particularly useful for law firms, universities, regulators, and corporate counsel as a reliable introduction to various subject matters. The series now covers 109…
Joseph Camilleri
2nd October 2018