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Mamo TCV Advocates: Proposed Amendments to the Depositor Guarantee Scheme Directive. Such proposal has been adopted by the European Parliament on 24 April 2024.
Banking & Finance

European Parliament Adopts Amendments to the Depositor Guarantee Scheme Directive

On the 24th of April 2024 the European Parliament (hereunder the ‘EP’) adopted the Proposal for the amendments to the Directive 2014/49/EU as regards the scope of deposit protection, use of deposit guarantee schemes funds, cross-border cooperation and transparency (the Directive hereunder referred to as the ‘DGSD’). The EP adopted the proposal with additional amendments to be assessed in line with the applicable European legislative process and, hence, the text is not final. These amendments are part of the proposed European package amending the framework on banks’ crisis management . One of the concepts considered under the DGSD is that…
Sarah Zerafa Lewis
4th June 2024
Mamo TCV Advocates: The Central Bank of Malta repeals Directive no. 18 on Moratorium on Credit Facilities with immediate effect. Find out more about this update here.
Banking & Finance

CBM Repeals Directive no. 18 on Moratorium on Credit Facilities

The Central Bank of Malta repeals Directive no. 18 on Moratorium on Credit Facilities in Exceptional Circumstances On 3 May 2024 the Central Bank of Malta (hereunder the ‘CBM’) repealed Directive No. 18 on Moratorium on Credit Facilities in Exceptional Circumstances (hereunder the ‘Directive’). The main objective of the Directive, which had come into force on 13 April 2020, was to implement the provisions of regulation 6 of the Moratorium on Credit Facilities in Exceptional Circumstances Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 465.40) which regulations were issued under the Public Health Act (Chapter 465 of the Laws of Malta) in order to provide…
Mamo TCV Advocates
7th May 2024
Mamo TCV - Legal Article
Banking & Finance

Court of Appeal (Inferior Jurisdiction) Orders the Reinstatement of Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts were reinstated after Bank failed to give justified reasons for termination under AML/CFT obligations. 1. Facts of the Case APS Bank p.l.c. (hereinafter 'the Bank’) had informed a customer (hereunder ‘the Appellant’) that, after the Bank’s internal policies and procedures were revised, the Bank was no longer in a position to provide banking services to her and, that consequently, their contractual relationship was being terminated. The Appellant lodged a complaint before the Arbiter for Financial Services in Malta (hereunder ‘the Arbiter’) claiming that the Bank had terminated the banking relationship unfairly, without a valid reason and contrary to…
Sarah Zerafa Lewis
2nd May 2024
Sustainable Finance Week at Mamo TCV

Introduction to Sustainable Finance Webinar

The Introduction to Sustainable Finance webinar is being held as part the Mamo TCV Sustainable Finance Week being held between 24 October & 28 October 2022. Please click here for the programme of events.The EU Green Deal and Sustainability Objectives The Sustainable Finance Package: An OverviewMonday, 24 October 202210:00 – 11:00 am (CET) This webinar will be of interest to individuals working in financial services regulatory compliance, professionals and other stakeholders working in the financial services sector.
Mamo TCV Advocates
3rd October 2022
Sustainable Finance Week at Mamo TCV

Sustainable Finance Week at Mamo TCV Advocates

Mamo TCV Advocates shall be organising a series of webinars spanning over one week to provide insights on sustainable finance and related regulatory compliance obligations. The scope of these webinars is to highlight how the sustainability-related requirements are impacting the financial services sector from a regulatory standpoint. During the week, Mamo TCV Advocates will also be discussing employment and corporate social responsibility matters. Agenda and registration details will be communicated soon. In the meantime, save these dates:  24 to 28 October 2022
Mamo TCV Advocates
31st August 2022