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EU AI Act: Banned AI Practices from 2 February 2025 Telecoms, Media & Technology

EU AI Act: Banned AI Practices from 2 February 2025

The EU AI Act becomes applicable across the EU, including Malta, on 2 August, 2026 (you may read our general overview here). However, the AI Act’s general provisions and the provisions on prohibited AI practices that present an unacceptable level of risk, will come into force as early as 2 February 2025. With this deadline fast approaching, organisations subject to the AI Act must ensure compliance accordingly. AI Literacy By 2 February 2025, providers and deployers of AI systems, including those based in Malta, must take steps to guarantee an adequate level of AI literacy among their staff and any…
EU AI Act series
AI in Investment Services: MIFID Considerations Investment Services & Funds

AI in Investment Services: MIFID Considerations

This article is part of our EU AI Act series which explores the effect of the AI Act across various industries and sectors.  Investment legislation can be split into two broad categories: investment funds and investment services. The former principally relates to UCITS, AIFMD and local laws which regulate asset management and their service providers. The latter relates to regulating financial instruments and the investment markets thereof. The interplay of AI with investment funds was discussed by our Firm in a series of six insights last year titled “AI and Funds” which can be read here.  Hence, in this article in the ongoing…
AI & Funds #6 –
Conflicts of Interest
Investment Services & Funds

AI & Funds #6 –
Conflicts of Interest

The purpose of disclosing conflicts of interest in the investment services industry is to ensure maximum transparency for the investor. A common conflict of interest is the situation when the fund’s investment manager owns voting shares in the fund and appoints a director who is already heavily involved in the investment manager’s structure. Consequently, the appointed director might be conflicted if one is required to take a decision against the investment manager. To mitigate this conflict of interest, the fund would apply its existent policy on conflicts of interest which would stipulate that the conflict be disclosed during board meetings…
Mario Mizzi
15th June 2023
AI systems are ultimately complex computer codes whose output reflects their input. If the inputted data contains human bias, the AI system tends to produce results which exacerbates existing biases. In this insight briefing, we analyse the effect that human bias in AI could have on EU investment funds.
AI & Funds #5 – Human Bias Investment Services & Funds

AI & Funds #5 – Human Bias

In an underground burial temple located within the EU’s southernmost State, one can find a primitive drawing of a spiralling never-ending red tree. Archaeologists opine that the millennia-old Saflieni Hypogeum’s ‘Tree of Life’ was painted to give meaning to death. There is no evidence that the Maltese prehistoric biosphere sustained red spiralling trees. If archaeologists did not inform us about this pictorial human bias, one might have assumed that never-ending trees did exist in Malta. Humans understand that trees are not never-ending and the red artefact is merely an imaginary depiction. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) knows that…
Mario Mizzi
9th March 2023
The legal obligation to disclose information is a frequent occurrence in investment services laws. The draft framework for regulating artificial intelligence in the EU also puts vigorous emphasis on transparency. In this insight briefing, we compare the transparency obligations under the AIFMD with Article 52 of the draft EU AI Act to analyse the former’s adroitness for AI utilisation.
AI & Funds #4 – Transparency Obligations Investment Services & Funds

AI & Funds #4 – Transparency Obligations

In the ‘Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence’ (the “draft EU AI Act”), transparency is regulated by Article 13 and Article 52 thereof. The former applies to systems of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) which are classified as high-risk and the latter applies to limited-risk AI systems. As explained in the previous briefing of this series of insights on AI and investment funds, the use of AI in investment services will generally fall under limited-risk AI systems. The reason being that high-risk AI systems as defined under the draft EU AI Act do not include AI systems…
Mario Mizzi
2nd March 2023
The proposed EU AI Act will provide for four risk classifications of artificial intelligence. Each classification will trigger different rules. In this insight briefing we analyse the use of AI in investment funds to determine which one of the four AI classifications would be applicable.
AI & Funds #3 – Risk Classifications Investment Services & Funds

AI & Funds #3 – Risk Classifications

If the draft EU regulation on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) titled ‘Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence’ (the “draft EU AI Act”) becomes law, investment funds could have an additional risk which would need consideration, namely, the AI risk. As outlined in previous briefings in this insight-series, the definition of AI as provided in Article 3 of the draft EU AI Act will be an umbrella term which includes machine-learning and algorithms which are already being used in the asset management industry according to a report1 by the European Securities and Markets Authority. The draft EU…
Mario Mizzi
23rd February 2023