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Malta Residence & Visa Programme: 2018 Amendments Immigration

Malta Residence & Visa Programme: 2018 Amendments

Investment migration in Malta has increased exponentially over the last 4 years; due in part to the introduction of the Malta Residency and Visa Programme (MRVP). The MRVP was introduced in 2015 to offer yet another competitive immigration option. Since its inception, the MRVP has been updated twice; with the 2017 amendments helping to further consolidate the legislation, whilst those amendments enacted in 2018 focused on widening the programme's investment criteria.Originally, the MRVP programme required the main applicant to pay an economic contribution of €30,000, with €5,500 being non-refundable and payable at application stage with the remaining amount becoming due…
18th October 2018
Malta Residence & Visa Programme: 2018 Amendments Immigration

Malta Residence & Visa Programme: 2018 Amendments

Investment migration in Malta has increased exponentially over the last 4 years; due in part to the introduction of the Malta Residency and Visa Programme (MRVP). The MRVP was introduced in 2015 to offer yet another competitive immigration option. Since its inception, the MRVP has been updated twice; with the 2017 amendments helping to further consolidate the legislation, whilst those amendments enacted in 2018 focused on widening the programme's investment criteria.Originally, the MRVP programme required the main applicant to pay an economic contribution of €30,000, with €5,500 being non-refundable and payable at application stage with the remaining amount becoming due…
18th October 2018