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Mamo TCV Advocates: The EU regime regulating Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) has been updated through the publication of the AIFMD II which replaces the first AIFMD originally published more than ten years ago.
Maltese Implications from the EU’s AIFMD II Directive Investment Services & Funds

Maltese Implications from the EU’s AIFMD II Directive

The regulatory landscape for investment fund management within the EU underwent an evolution with the enactment of ‘Directive (EU) 2024/927 on Delegation Arrangements, Liquidity Risk Management, Supervisory Reporting, the Provision of Depositary and Custody Services and Loan Origination by Alternative Investment Funds’, commonly referred to as AIFMD II (or the “Directive”).  The legal regime regulates alternative investment funds (“AIFs”) and their fund managers. AIFMD II replaces the first AIFMD. The publication of the AIFMD II in the EU's Official Journal on the 26th of March 2024 marked the commencement of this new phase in European fund regulation, with the Directive…
Mario Mizzi
23rd April 2024
Changes to the Investment Services Rules for UCITS ManCos & AIFMs: Sustainability Risks & Factors Investment Services & FundsRegulatory Compliance

Changes to the Investment Services Rules for UCITS ManCos & AIFMs: Sustainability Risks & Factors

The Malta Financial Services Authority has recently introduced changes to the investment services rulebooks for Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) management companies (ManCos) and Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) to: (i) transpose the Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/1270 amending Directive 2010/43/EU (1) as regards the sustainability risks and sustainability factors to be taken into account for UCITS; and (ii) implement the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1255 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 (2) as regards the sustainability risks and sustainability factors to be taken into account by AIFMs.The Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/1270 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1255…
Martha Chetcuti
27th July 2022