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Telecoms, Media & Technology

GDPR Administrative Fines: New Guidelines Recently Adopted

On 25 May 2018, Regulation 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect across the European Union (including Malta). As has been widely reported, infringement of the GDPR may lead to fines as high as €20,000,000 or 4% of an entity's total worldwide annual turnover (whichever is higher). On 3rd October 2017, the Article 29 Working Party adopted guidelines on the application and setting of the said administrative fines under the GDPR. The guidelines are intended for use by supervisory authorities to ensure improved application and enforcement of the GDPR and to encourage its consistent interpretation and…
Claude Micallef Grimaud
25th October 2017
Telecoms, Media & Technology

Blockchain Technology & the Law: Myriad Business Opportunities

What is Blockchain? Blockchain can be described as a digital database or ledger which is shared between a network of computers. The premise of blockchain, as well as its distinctive feature, is that it works on distributed trustless consensus. Each transaction entered into the ledger (known as a block) is connected to the block before it and the block after it, creating a chain of transactions which is traceable back to the original transaction. In turn, each computer (known as a node) connected to the network has a copy of all the information stored in this database. The data is continuously…
13th October 2017
Employment and Industrial RelationsTelecoms, Media & Technology

Confirmed: Employers Should Not Use Consent as a Legal Basis for Processing Employee Personal Data

On 8 June 2017, the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party ("WP29") adopted Opinion 2/2017 on data processing at work ("the Opinion") ​ . This authoritative document complements previous WP29 publications on similar issues ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. The Opinion now takes into account new technologies that affect the processing of employees' personal data at work. Moreover, the Opinion takes into account both the Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) that is still in force at time of writing – transposed into Maltese legislation via the present Data Protection Act ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ – as well as the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") that will enter…
Claude Micallef Grimaud
22nd August 2017
NewsTelecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates launches GDPR Microsite (

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will repeal and replace the main data protection laws of all Member States, including Malta. Maltese organisations have less than a year to prepare for the many new, and in some cases, onerous obligations introduced by the GDPR. We have recently launched our GDPR microsite ( that provides easy to read information and resources about the new EU Regulation. Download our free GDPR Guidelines, subscribe to our GDPR mailing list and get in touch with our data protection experts ( to learn more!The GDPR at a glance:✓ Fines up to ​​​€20,000,000 or…
Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates Contributes to the 2017 Edition of DLA Piper’s ‘Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook’

Ever since the 'Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook' was launched by DLA Piper in 2012, Mamo TCV Advocates has been closely involved therewith by providing, and subsequently updating on an annual basis, the chapter relating to Maltese data protection legislation. The 'Malta' section is currently updated as at 26 January 2017 and is available here.The handbook provides an overview of the key privacy and data protection laws and regulations across nearly 100 different jurisdictions and offers a primer to businesses as they consider this complex and increasingly important area of compliance.The full edition of the world handbook itself…
Telecoms, Media & Technology

The ‘eIDAS’ Regulation & its Effect on Maltese Electronic Commerce Law

On 1st July 2016, Regulation No. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market ('eIDAS Regulation') took effect in Malta. The Regulation was transposed into Maltese law by means of Act XXXV of 2016. All existing Maltese provisions that were inconsistent with the eIDAS Regulation have been amended or repealed. This article seeks to describe the main features of the eIDAS Regulation (regulating, inter alia, electronic signatures, electronic seals and electronic time stamps), and more importantly, to offer guidance on the various changes and effects of this EU Regulation on Maltese eCommerce Law.  …
Claude Micallef Grimaud
7th February 2017